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DriveWorks Solo 22
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What's New - Hyperlink and Slider  Form Controls

DriveWorks 8 introduces some new form controls that will greatly enhance the user experience. These are:

  • Hyperlink
  • Slider


The Hyperlink control allows hypertext to be displayed on the user form that links to a URL of a document or web page.

The hyperlink control will always open a new tab or browser session when clicked.

The hyperlink and text can be dynamically driven by rules.

Appearance Properties

FontControls the font of the text used on the control. (The picture property must be set to Text or TextAndPicture)Yes
Hover ColorControls the color of the text when the mouse pointer moves over the control. (The picture property must be set to Text or TextAndPicture)Yes
Hover UnderlineControls if the text is to be underlined when the mouse pointer moves over the control. (The picture property must be set to Text or TextAndPicture)Yes
PictureControls the picture to display on the control. (The picture property must be set to TextAndPicture or Picture)Yes
Picture (Hover)Controls the picture to display on the control when the mouse pointer moves over the control. (The picture property must be set to TextAndPicture or Picture)Yes
Picture Size ModeControls the size of the picture to be displayed on the control (Normal, StretchImage, Centre, Zoom). (The picture property must be set to TextAndPicture or Picture)No
Picture StyleControls the Style of the control (Text, TextAndPicture, Picture)No
Text ColorControls the color of the text displayed on the control. (The picture property must be set to Text or TextAndPicture)Yes
Text UnderlineControls if the text is to be underlined. (The picture property must be set to Text or TextAndPicture)Yes

Behavior Properties

EnabledControls whether the control is enabled (if the result is TRUE) or disabled (if the result is anything other than TRUE, e.g. FALSE).Yes
Error ResultDetermines whether the value of the control is in error, the result of this rule should be one of the message codes from the known Form Messages, if the result is zero then DriveWorks treats the control as being fine.Yes
HyperlinkControls the link to a website or document which is to be launched from the control. The URL must be encased in quotes eg: "www.driveworkspro.com"Yes
Tab IndexConfigures the position of the control in the form tab order.No
TextControls the text to display on the control.Yes
VisibleDetermines whether the control is visible (TRUE) or hidden (FALSE).Yes

General Properties

NameThe name of the control.No

Layout Properties

HeightControls the height of the controlYes
LeftControls the left position of the controlYes
TopControls the top position of the controlYes
WidthControls the width of the controlYes


The slider control provides a horizontal (default) or vertical slide control for use on the user form.

The range and the increment of the slider is set in the behavior properties, and the position the slide indicator rests in is past into the Value property as a number.

The slider control supports the use of the left, right, up and down arrow keyboard keys once the control has focus.

Appearance Properties

FontControls the font of the text used on the control. (The picture property must be set to Text or TextAndPicture)Yes
OrientationSets the orientation of the control (Horizontal or Vertical)No
Show LimitsSets if the Minimum and Maximum property values are to be displayed on the controlNo
TextControls the text to display on the control.Yes
Text ColorControls the color of the text displayed on the control. (The picture property must be set to Text or TextAndPicture)Yes

Behavior Properties

EnabledControls whether the control is enabled (if the result is TRUE) or disabled (if the result is anything other than TRUE, e.g. FALSE).Yes
Error ResultDetermines whether the value of the control is in error, the result of this rule should be one of the message codes from the known Form Messages, if the result is zero then DriveWorks treats the control as being fine.Yes
IncrementControls the increments the slider is to increase or decrease in.Yes
MaximunLimits the maximum value of the control.Yes
MinimumLimits the minimum value of the control.Yes
Tab IndexConfigures the position of the control in the form tab order.No
ValueIs the numeric value of the controlNo
Value (Override Rule)Overrides the Value property of the control if set.Yes
VisibleDetermines whether the control is visible (TRUE) or hidden (FALSE).Yes

General Properties

NameThe name of the control.No

Layout Properties

HeightControls the height of the controlYes
LeftControls the left position of the controlYes
TopControls the top position of the controlYes
WidthControls the width of the controlYes