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DriveWorks Solo 22

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Removes duplicates from a list using case sensitive comparison, keeping the first entry of the duplicated item.


ListRemoveDuplicates([List],[Ignore Case])


List is the list to remove duplicates from in the form of a pipebar (|) delimited string.

Ignore Case (Optional) is TRUE to perform a case insensitive check for a duplicate entry. False (or ignored) will not remove duplicates if the case does not match.



ListRemoveDuplicates(DWVariableCustomerList)Will remove only exact matches. The list (See Example Data below) will become: All Stars|all stars|Boston bulls|Boston Bulls|cambridge cats|Cambridge cats|
ListRemoveDuplicates(DWVariableCustomerList, FALSE)Will remove only exact matches. The list (See Example Data below) will become: All Stars|all stars|Boston bulls|Boston Bulls|cambridge cats|Cambridge cats|
ListRemoveDuplicates(DWVariableCustomerList, TRUE)Will remove all matches regardless of case. The list (See Example Data below) will become: All Stars|Boston bulls|cambridge cats|

Example Data

DWVariableCustomerList value is "All Stars|all stars|all stars|Boston bulls|Boston Bulls|Boston bulls|cambridge cats|cambridge cats|Cambridge cats"

(created using a ListAll() Function on the Customers table below)

Customers Table

Customer Name
All Stars
all stars
all stars
Boston bulls
Boston Bulls
Boston bulls
cambridge cats
cambridge cats
Cambridge cats