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DriveWorks Solo 22

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Border Style

The Border Style property configures the border style of the control.

Property Type: Fixed

Default Value:

  • None - for the Picture Box Control

This property has the following values:

  • None - No border
  • Single Line - Single line around the perimeter of the control
  • Inset3D - Gives an inset 3D appearance to the border of the control

Hierarchical Reference: ControlName.BorderStyle

To Change the Default Value

  1. Select the property from the property list
  2. Click the drop down list at the end of the property value field
  3. Select the required Border Style from the list


Border Style Property ValueResultNotes
NoneDisplays no border around the perimeter of the control
Single LineDisplays a fixed width, dark line (approx 1 pixel wide) around the perimeter of the control
Inset3DDisplays a fixed width, dark outer line with a fixed width, lighter inner line along the left and top edges of the control. The remaining edges have a lighter fixed width line. This gives a 3D border appearance to the control.Not applicable to the Data Table control.

A type of control property where the value can only be set in the Form Designer (not by a rule).