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DriveWorks 22 SP1 Information

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DriveWorks 22 SP1 Information

Innovation and continuous improvement underpin our approach to software development.

Along with the development of new features and enhancements for the next major version, we are committed to making each version robust and compatible with all the latest releases of software that DriveWorks interacts with.


Reports exported from DriveWorks 18 and older and opened with DriveWorks 22.1 installed will be updated to the new version.

Opening an old report will display a prompt informing the report will be updated.

Once updated reports will no longer open when just DriveWorks 18 or older is installed.

If the prompt is dismissed without accepting the update the viewer will not display the report.

The update process will automatically make a backup of the old report. This will be stored in the same location and with the same name as the original but have .drivereportbackup as the file extension .

This affects all reports with the .drivereport file extension.

Previous Release Information

Please review the following information which is still relevant for this release.

DriveWorks 22 SP0 Information

DriveWorks 22 SP0.1 Information