This topic shows how various properties that are static by default can be made dynamic. Making a property dynamic will allow a rule to be built for the property.
Not all properties are static by default. Some properties are fixed, meaning their type cannot be changed at all. Other properties are dynamic by default, these cannot be made static. All properties that are static by default can be made to be dynamic.
A static property is identified by the gray orb that accompanies the property name
Please enter a value
will become
="Please enter a value"
(the '=' sign will not be shown when opened in the rule builder)
Numeric and Boolean values will not be enclosed in " ".
When returning a changed dynamic property to a static property any rule applied while it was dynamic will be lost.
Form Control Properties will take the result of the existing rule as the static property value.
Specification Tasks (Specification Flow and Macros) will take the the previous static property value.
Ensure the property is a dynamic property (It will display the green orb
alongside the
property name)