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DriveWorks Solo 22

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Feature Rule

Feature rules control the state of a feature, i.e. suppressed, unsuppressed, or deleted.

TRUEUnsuppresses the feature, you could also use "Unsuppress" (in quotes), or "U" (in quotes).
FALSESuppresses the feature, you could also use "Suppress" (in quotes), or "S" (in quotes).
"DELETE"Deletes the feature.
"255|0|0"Will drive the feature to the RGB value 255,0,0 (red)
Driving a feature to a color requires the RGB value to be formatted with each value to be separated with a pipebar.

If a numeric value is driven to the feature that is not in this format (28 for example) DriveWorks will apply a color using default gray numbers for the missing G and B values.

Some Features can have Advanced Feature Parameters captured, which gives control over elements of the feature usually only accessible through the SOLIDWORKS feature manager. For information on how to capture Advanced Feature Parameters please see Advanced Features Parameters. For information on writing rules for Advanced Feature Parameters please see Model Rules Advanced Feature Rules Overview.