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DriveWorks Solo 22

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Property Type: Static

Applies to the following properties:

PropertyDescriptionAvailable on Controls
Background ColorSpecifies the color of the control's background.Check Box, Check Box Group, Combo Box, Hyperlink, Label, List Box, Numeric Text Box, Option Group, Picture Box, Slider, Spin Button, Text Box, Toggle Switch
Background Color (Hover)Specifies the color of the control's background when the control is in a hovered state.Hyperlink
Border ColorSpecifies the color of the control's outer border when the 'SingleLine' border style is selected.Hyperlink, Label, Picture Box
Border Color (Hover)Specifies the color of the controls border when in a hovered state.Hyperlink
Button Background ColorSpecifies the background color of buttons in the control.Spin Button
Button Background Color (Disabled)Specifies the background color of buttons in the control, when the control is disabled.Spin Button
Button Background Color (Hover)Specifies the background color of buttons in the control, when the button is in a hovered state.Spin Button
Button Background Color (Pressed)Specifies the background color of buttons in the control, when the button is in a pressed state.Spin Button
Button Border ColorSpecifies the border color of buttons in the control.Spin Button
Button Border Color (Disabled)Specifies the border color of buttons when the control is disabled.Spin Button
Button Border Color (Hover)Specifies the border color of buttons in the control, when the button is in a hovered state.Spin Button
Button Border Color (Pressed)Specifies the border color of buttons in the control, when the button is in a pressed state.Spin Button
Button Icon ColorSpecifies the icon color of buttons in the control.Spin Button
Button Icon Color (Disabled)Specifies the icon color of buttons when the control is disabled.Spin Button
Button Icon Color (Hover)Specifies the icon color of buttons in the control, when the button is in a hovered state.Spin Button
Button Icon Color (Pressed)Specifies the icon color of buttons in the control, when the button is in a pressed state.Spin Button
Button Outline Color (Focus)Specifies the outline color of buttons in the control, when the button is in a focused state.Spin Button
Caption ColorControls the caption color of the control.Check Box, Check Box Group, Combo Box, Item List, List Box, Numeric Text Box, Option Group, Spin Button, Text Box, Toggle Switch
Check Background ColorControls the background color of the check.Check Box, Check Box Group
Check Background Color (Checked)Controls the background color of the check when checked.Check Box, Check Box Group
Check Background Color (Disabled)Controls the background color of the check when disabled.Check Box, Check Box Group
Check Border ColorControls the border color of the check.Check Box, Check Box Group
Check Border Color (Checked)Controls the border color of the check when checked.Check Box, Check Box Group
Check Border Color (Disabled)Controls the border color of the check when disabled.Check Box, Check Box Group
Check Mark ColorControls the color of the check mark shown when checked.Check Box, Check Box Group
Check Mark Color (Disabled)Controls the color of the check mark shown when checked, and the control is disabled.Check Box, Check Box Group
Group Border ColorSpecifies the color of the border shown around the group.Check Box Group, Option Group
Input Background ColorSpecifies the background color of the control's input area.Combo Box, Numeric Text Box, Spin Button, Text Box
Input Background Color (Disabled)Specifies the background color of the control's input area when the control is disabled.Combo Box, Numeric Text Box, Spin Button, Text Box
Input Background Color (Focus)Specifies the background color of the control's input area when in a focused state.Numeric Text Box, Spin Button, Text Box
Input Background Color (Hover)Specifies the background color of the control's input area when in a hovered state.Combo Box, Numeric Text Box, Spin Button, Text Box
Input Border ColorSpecifies the border color of the control's input area.Combo Box, Numeric Text Box, Spin Button, Text Box
Input Border Color (Disabled)Specifies the border color of the control's input area when the control is disabled.Combo Box, Numeric Text Box, Spin Button, Text Box
Input Border Color (Focus)Specifies the border color of the control's input area when in a focused state.Combo Box, Numeric Text Box, Spin Button, Text Box
Input Border Color (Hover)Specifies the border color of the control's input area when in a hovered state.Combo Box, Numeric Text Box, Spin Button, Text Box
Input Icon ColorSpecifies the color of the icon in the input.Combo Box
Input Icon Color (Disabled)Specifies the color of the icon in the input when the control is disabled.Combo Box
Input Icon Color (Hover)Specifies the color of the icon in the input when in a hovered state.Combo Box
Input Outline Color (Focus)Specifies the outline color of the control's input area when in a focused state.Combo BoxNumeric Text Box, Spin Button, Text Box
Item Text ColorControls the text color of items.Check Box Group, Option Group
List Background ColorSpecifies the background color of the list.List Box
List Border ColorSpecifies the border color of the list.List Box
List Item Background Color (Hover)Specifies the background color of list items when in a hovered state.List Box
List Item Background Color (Selected)Specifies the background color of list items when in a selected state.List Box
List Item Border Color (Hover)Specifies the border color of list items when in a hovered state.List Box
List Item Border Color (Selected)Specifies the border color of list items when in a selected state.List Box
List Item ColorControls the color of list items.Combo Box
List Item Color (Disabled)Controls the color of list items when the control is disabled.Combo Box
List Item Color (Hover)Controls the color of list items when in a hovered state.Combo Box
List Item Outline Color (Focus)Specifies the outline color of list items when in a focused state.List Box
List Item Text ColorSpecifies the text color of list items.List Box
List Item Text Color (Disabled)Specifies the text color of list items when in a disabled state.List Box
List Item Text Color (Hover)Specifies the text color of list items when in a hovered state.List Box
List Item Text Color (Selected)Specifies the text color of list items when in a selected state.List Box
Outline Color (Focus)Specifies the outline color of the control when in a focused state.Hyperlink
Radio Background ColorControls the background color of the radio.Option Group
Radio Background Color (Disabled)Controls the background color of the radio when disabled.Option Group
Radio Background Color (Selected)Controls the background color of the radio when selected.Option Group
Radio Border ColorControls the border color of the radio.Option Group
Radio Border Color (Disabled)Controls the border color of the radio when disabled.Option Group
Radio Border Color (Selected)Controls the border color of the radio when selected.Option Group
Radio Dot ColorControls the color of the radio's dot shown when selected.Option Group
Radio Dot Color (Disabled)Controls the color of the dot shown when the radio is selected, and the control is disabled.Option Group
Text ColorSpecifies the color of the control's text.Hyperlink, Label, Numeric Text Box, Slider, Spin Button, Text Box
Text Color (Disabled)Specifies the color of the control's text when the control is disabled.Numeric Text Box, Spin Button, Text Box
Text Color (Focus)Specifies the color of the control's text when the control is in a focused state.Numeric Text Box, Spin Button, Text Box
Text Color (Hover)Specifies the color of the control's text when the control is in a hovered state.Hyperlink, Numeric Text Box, Spin Button, Text Box
Thumb Background ColorSpecifies the background color of the slider's thumb.Slider
Thumb Background Color (Disabled)Specifies the background color of the slider's thumb when the control is disabled.Slider
Thumb Background Color (Hover)Specifies the background color of the slider's thumb when in a hovered state.Slider
Thumb Background Color (Pressed)Specifies the background color of the slider' s thumb when in a pressed state.Slider
Thumb Border ColorSpecifies the border color of the slider's thumb.Slider
Thumb Border Color (Disabled)Specifies the border color of the slider's thumb when the control is disabled.Slider
Thumb Border Color (Hover)Specifies the border color of the slider's thumb when in a hovered state.Slider
Thumb Border Color (Pressed)Specifies the background color of the slider's thumb when in a pressed state,Slider
Thumb Outline Color (Focus)Specifies the outline color of the slider's thumb when in a focused state.Slider
Toggle Background ColorControls the background color of the toggle.Toggle Switch
Toggle Background Color (Checked)Controls the background color of the toggle when checked.Toggle Switch
Toggle Background Color (Disabled)Controls the background color of the toggle when disabled.Toggle Switch
Toggle Border ColorControls the color of the toggle border.Toggle Switch
Toggle Border Color (Checked)Controls the color of the toggle border when checked.Toggle Switch
Toggle Border Color (Disabled)Controls the border color of the toggle when disabled.Toggle Switch
Toggle Handle ColorControls the color of the toggle handle.Toggle Switch
Toggle Handle Color (Checked)Controls the color of the toggle handle when checked.Toggle Switch
Toggle Handle Color (Disabled)Controls the color of the toggle handle when disabled.Toggle Switch
Toggle Indicator ColorControls the color of the indicators on the toggle.Toggle Switch
Toggle Indicator Color (Checked)Controls the color of the indicators on the toggle when checked.Toggle Switch
Toggle Indicator Color (Disabled)Controls the color of the indicators on the toggle when disabled.Toggle Switch

The default background color of all controls is set to the same value as the background color of the user form they exist on.

Web Browsers and System Colors

Colors selected from the System tab (see image below), of the color chooser, may not display exactly as shown in the Form Designer when a form is viewed in a browser.

Image highlighting the System tab of the color chooser.

System color mapping occurs server side which means if these colors are used, the server theme colors will be sent down to the client.

System colors defined in CSS2 are very unreliable, and indeed, deprecated in CSS 2.1.

A web system color can be forced on the browser by prefixing the system color name with "!", in a rule, for example the rule:


This will cause the system color ActiveBorder to be sent all the way to the browser.

We strongly recommend using hexadecimal values or colors selected from the Web tab of the color chooser for the Web.

To Change the Default Value

Ensure the property is a static property (the gray orb  will be displayed alongside the property name)

The default value of the static property can be changed by one of the following methods:

  • Using the Color Chooser.
    1. Click in the property for the control to be changed
    2. Click the drop down list at the end of the property value field
    3. Select the color tab to use (Custom or Web)

    4. Select the required color from the list.
  • Typing the Color name or Hexadecimal value.
    1. Click in the property for the control to be changed
    2. Type the name of the color or it's hexadecimal value directly into the property field.


Color Property Value (static)Result
WhiteChanges the color of the control to white
TransparentChanges the color of the control to be transparent
#644B47Changes the color of the control to be the color of the hexadecimal value #644B47

A rule can also be built for this property by changing the type to dynamic.

See How To: Change A Static Property To A Dynamic Property.

Color Property Value (dynamic)Result
ColorHex(56,129,205,255)Changes the color of the control to be the hexadecimal equivalent of the RGB and Opacity values 56, 129, 205, 255.
ColorHex(RedReturn, GreenReturn, BlueReturn, OpacityReturn)Changes the color of the control to be the hexadecimal equivalent of the RGB and Opacity values coming from the corresponding controls.

Value set in Form Designer. For DriveWorks projects static properties can be made Dynamic by double clicking the gray radio button.