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DriveWorks Solo 22

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Instance Rule

The instance rule is used to determine the suppression state, delete, replace the instance or change the configuration of the instance. An instance can have its state changed and configuration switched by using the following syntax

" [State Operation] | [Configuration Name] "


State Operation is the operation to carry out on the state of the instance (Delete, Suppress, Replace and ReplaceFile.)

Configuration Name is the name of the configuration to switch to.

Order Of Instance

The instance order in the SOLIDWORKS feature manager does not necessarily follow the order DriveWorks recognizes.

DriveWorks requires the Instance number to be taken from the order it is listed in the SOLIDWORKS Feature Manager. For example:

SOLIDWORKS Feature Manager displayDriveWorks Order Of Instance








If you are unsure of the instance ordering, the DriveWorks capture assistant will indicate the order through Captured Parameter Highlighting.

In the image below Flange <5> in the SOLIDWORKS feature manager is Instance 1 to DriveWorks.

Captured Parameter Highlighting indicates the instance parameter in the DriveWorks capture assistant, on the model AND in the SOLIDWORKS feature manager.

Replacing the instance with a file.

When the instance is to be replaced with a file there are two options that can be used:

  • <Replace> - Will replace the instance with a file that has been captured (either Static or Dynamic) in DriveWorks. (The file name follows the <Replace> string). See How To: Replace a Component With a Static or Driven Replacement Model for more information.
  • <ReplaceFile> - Will replace the instance with a file that is not captured in DriveWorks. (i.e. any model that DriveWorks is totally unaware of)
TRUEUnsuppresses the instance, you could also use "Unsuppress" (in quotes), or "U" (in quotes).
FALSESuppresses the instance, you could also use "Suppress" (in quotes), or "S" (in quotes).
"DELETE"Deletes the instance from its parent assembly.
"Red"The configuration of the model is switched to red.
"<Replace>MyComponentSetName"Replaces the instance with a Component Set called MyComponentSetName. For more information, see the How To: Replace a Component With a Static or Driven Replacement Model help topic.
"U|Red"Will unsuppress the instance and switch the configuration to Red.
"<Replace>MyComponentSetName|Red"Replaces the instance with a Component Set called MyComponentSetName and switches the configuration of the replacement file to Red.
"<ReplaceFile>D:\Models\Part1.sldprt"Will replace the instance with Part1.sldprt located in D:\Models\.
"<ReplaceFile>Models\Part1.sldprt"Will replace the instance with Part1.sldprt located in the Models folder, which is relative to the specification path.
"<ReplaceFile><Project>\Models\Part1.sldprt"Will replace the instance with Part1.sldprt located in the Models folder inside the <Project> location.
The following directives can be used to reference the various folder DriveWorks uses
  • <Project> - Is the project folder location.
  • <Specification> - Is the specification folder location.
  • <SpecificationMetaData> - Is the specification meta data folder.
  • <GroupContent> - Is the group content folder.
"U|<ReplaceFile>Models\Part1.SLDPRT"This will unsuppress the instance and replace with the given file.
A part or assembly which has been added to the Model Rules screen and is not contained in a parent assembly.
A part or assembly which has been added to the Model Rules screen and is not contained in a parent assembly.