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DriveWorks Solo 22
Breakline Rules

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Breakline Rules

Breakline rules are used to control the position of the breaklines relative to the left and right of the view.

The Distance 1 reference is to the first breakline from the left of the view edge.

The Distance 2 reference is to the second breakline from the right of the view edge.

If the breakline is not required forcing the rule to result in "Delete" will remove the breakline from the drawing.

Distance 1 RuleDistance 2 RuleMeaning
1535Sets the first breakline 15 document units from the left of the view, and the second breakline 35 document units from the right of the view.
DWVariableBreakLeftDWVariableBreakRightSets the first breakline to the value calculated by DWVariableBreakLeft from the left of the view, and the second breakline to the value calculated by DWVariableBreakRight from the right of the view.
IF(LengthReturn<2000,15,45)IF(LengthReturn<2000,35,65)Sets the first breakline 15 document units from the left, when the Length is less than 2000 and 45 document units from the left when the Length is greater than 2000. Sets the second breakline 35 document units from the right, when the Length is less than 2000 and 65 document units from the right when the Length is greater than 2000.
IF(LengthReturn<2000, "Delete",45)IF(LengthReturn<2000, "Delete",65)Will delete the first breakline, when the Length is less than 2000 or set it to 45 document units from the left when the Length is greater than 2000. Will delete the second breakline, when the Length is less than 2000 and set it to 65 document units from the right when the Length is greater than 2000.

When either of the breakline values result in "Delete" both will be deleted.

For more accurate control of breakline positions we recommend creating planes in the model from which the breaklines can be dimensioned from. Capture the plane distance and control the breakline position from the plane. Set the distance from the plane to the breakline to a minimum nominal value.