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DriveWorks Solo 22
Drawing Rules Annotation Geometric Tolerance Symbol

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Drawing Rules Annotation Geometric Tolerance Symbol

A geometric tolerance symbol rule consists of separate strings to control individual elements of the geometric tolerance symbol.

The strings can be used individually, to control just that element of the GT Symbol, or together to control the whole of the GT Symbol.

When used together the strings are separated using the pipe bar |.

The syntax used to drive the various Drawing Annotations (SETTEXT, SETSYMBOL, SETFRAMEVALUES, SETLABEL, etc.) are not typical DriveWorks functions.

They will not display the same characteristics as a function (Auto-complete, Bracket Matching or Rules Insight) when entered in the Rule Editor.

These are strings, and are required to be enclosed within quotes ("").

During the processing of these rules, DriveWorks will parse the string and apply the result to the captured annotation.

Syntax to set Geometric Tolerance Values

"SETFRAMEVALUES( [FrameNumber] , [Tol1] , [Tol2] , [Datum1] , [Datum2] , [Datum3] )"


FrameNumber is a number for the number of the frame to set the values in

Tol1 is a number for the first tolerance value

Tol2 is a number for the second tolerance value

Datum1 is a number or text for the primary datum value

Datum2 is a number or text for the secondary datum value

Datum3 is a number or text for the tertiary datum value


Syntax to set Geometric Tolerance Symbols

"SETFRAMESYMBOLS2( [FrameNumber] , [GCS] , [TolDia1] , [TolMC1] , [TolDia2] , [TolMC2] , [DatumMC1] , [DatumMC2] , [DatumMC3])"


FrameNumber is a number for the number of the frame to set the values in

GCS is a string representing the geometric characteristic symbol to use (see chart below)

TolDia1 is True when the diameter symbol is required for tolerance 1, False when not required

TolMC1 is a string representing the material condition symbol to use for tolerance 1 (see chart below)

TolDia2 is True when the diameter symbol is required for tolerance 2, False when not required

TolMC2 is a string representing the material condition symbol to use  for tolerance 2 (see chart below)

DatumMC1 is a string representing the material condition symbol to use for the primary datum (see chart below)

DatumMC2 is a string representing the material condition symbol to use for the secondary datum  (see chart below)

DatumMC3 is a string representing the material condition symbol to use for the tertiary datum  (see chart below)

GCS SymbolDescriptionGCS String
Profile of Line<IGTOL-LPROF>
Profile of Surface<IGTOL-SPROF>
Circular Runout<IGTOL-SRUN>
Total Runout<IGTOL-TRUN>
MC SymbolDescriptionMC String
Maximum Material Condition<MOD-MMC>
Least Material Condition<MOD-LMC>
Regardless of Feature Size<MOD-FMC>
Tangent Plane<MOD-TANP>
Free State<MOD-FREES>


Syntax to set Geometric Tolerance Values AND Symbols

