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DriveWorks Solo 22
Sheets and Views

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The sheets and views section is used to decide which sheets and views should be driven on the drawing. DriveWorks Solo supports driving their positions, scales, and more. Once one or more views are captured, annotation positions can also be captured relative to the view by using the Annotation Positions section.

and Views

The sheets and views section is divided into three areas:

  1. The sheet preview which shows the currently selected sheet and view to make it easy to identify what you are working on.
  2. The sheets and views tree which can be used to tell DriveWorks Solo which sheets, views and view breaklines should be driven.
  3. The sheet/view information list which shows information about the dimensions and scale of the currently selected sheet or view.

To capture a sheet

When a sheet is captured, you gain the ability to drive its scale, and state.

  • Click the check box next to the name of the sheet to capture.

To uncapture a sheet

  • Uncheck the check box next to the name of the sheet to uncapture.
If you uncapture a sheet and save your project, the action cannot be undone. Furthermore, if you have already created any rules for the uncaptured sheet, then they will be lost. Before uncapturing a sheet, you may wish to make a copy of your project.

To capture a view

When a view is captured, you gain the ability to drive its scale, position, and state.

  • Click the check box next to the name of the view to capture.
It is not necessary to capture a view's parent sheet in order to capture the view.

To uncapture a view

  • Uncheck the check box next to the name of the view to uncapture.
If you uncapture a view and save your project, the action cannot be undone. Furthermore, if you have already created any rules for the uncaptured view, then they will be lost. Before uncapturing a view, you may wish to make a copy of your project.