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DriveWorks Solo 22
Run (Layout Mode)

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Run (Layout Mode)

Layout mode allows multiple Solo projects to be specified and will automatically insert each model generated into an active assembly.

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Give Access to all Local DriveWorks Solo Projects

All Projects can be run without having to open each project individually.

  1. Click the Run bar from the bottom of the capture assistant.

  2. Right click the Local folder and select Choose Folders.

  3. Click Add from the Local Folders window.

  4. Browse to the location the project is stored and click OK.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each folder you have a project located.


    Select a parent location if all projects are stored relative to it.

Using Layout Mode

To activate the Layout Mode icon a SOLIDWORKS Assembly must be open in the graphics window of SOLIDWORKS.

Once an assembly is open select a project from the Local and Recent folder to begin specifying.

Click OK or the Preview icon to generate the model for the specification.

Once the model is complete DriveWorks Solo will insert it into the active assembly.

The specification will be placed into a Running Folder, this can be returned to prior to Finishing all specifications to make any changes. This will in turn update the model inserted into the assembly.

Further specifications can be started by clicking the required project from the Local and Recent folder. Again each specification will be shown in the Running Folder.

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