This document highlights a SOLIDWORKS setting for hiding
dimensions that are left dangling after features or components have
been removed from a generated model.
If a drawing being driven by DriveWorks results in dangling
dimensions to features or components that no longer exist there is
a setting in SOLIDWORKS that will automatically hide any dimensions
that are left dangling.
This is a document setting, and is required to be set in each
drawing that is affected.
To do this, follow the steps below:
- Open the master drawing in SOLIDWORKS.
This can be
done from DriveWorks in the SOLIDWORKS task pane by opening the
Group that the drawing has been captured to and selecting the
Captured Models button. Next double click the drawing from the tree
view to open in SOLIDWORKS.
- From the SOLIDWORKS Menu select Tools>Options.
- Select the Document Properties tab.
- Select Detailing from the categories on the left.
- Locate the Hide dangling dimensions and annotations option and
check the box next to it.