Generation reports updated with:
- Functional color coding
- Error count displayed on delete reports dialog
- Improved error count status indicators
- Improved scrolling, column re-sizing behavior
- Indented items
- Expand/collapse buttons on both the report viewer and the context menu
- Expand/collapse icons moved to the left of each report entry
- Start/end dates displayed
- Timings displayed in milliseconds
Preset and personal
filters in reports can be modified to filter specific keywords
Column sorting applied to controls and variables, in the Rule Builder, are maintained.
Column sorting implemented for Tables and Variables.
Table names increased to 245 character limit
New Form Templates added.
Placeholder text added to the Text box control
Insert multiple rows and columns in between existing rows of data in Tables.
Meta-data property added to all controls
Default height and width for Picture Box and Option Group controls has been increased.
Pre-created projects updated to take advantage of new functionality.
Sort Ascending parameter added to the ListAll function
IfErrorString function added
ListGetItems function added, returns the specified items from a list of items