Joins together, without spaces, all of the specified strings into one string.
Concatenate([String1], [String2], [String n])
String1, String2, String n, are text strings or references to the text strings, that you want to join together.
There can be 1 to 255 Strings in any one Concatenate Function.
Rule | Meaning |
Concatenate(TitleTextBoxReturn, FirstNameTextBoxReturn, SurnameTextBoxReturn) | The Concatenate function joins the return values of the TitleTextBox, the FirstNameTextBox, and the SurnameTextBox together, into one string. |
TitleTextBoxReturn Value | FirstNameTextBoxReturn Value | SurnameTextBoxReturn Value | Result of the Concatenate function |
"Miss" | "Sally" | "Newark" | MissSallyNewark |
"Mr" | "Bob" | "Jones" | MrBobJones |